

I am Mélissa,
a UX Designer
living in Dublin

Projects I worked on

UX design at Irish Life

In Irish Life, I supported the delivery of projects through:

  • User Research: planning and leading user tests, interviews, persona research and survey design
  • Collaborative mindset: stakeholder interviews, planning and leading workshops, prioritisation exercises and collaboration with internal and external teams
  • Usage and contribution to the design system and design principles
  • Wireframing, designing and prototyping using Figma

Introduction to accessibility

The testing, reporting and prototyping for the website Sydney Open was the final project of the Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility course by the University of South Australia I followed in 2019.

  • As part of a team of three, I was in charge of the testing part of the project
  • I used a mix of manual and automated tests using the Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) 1.0
  • I delivered the report that helped the UI Designer to address issues and areas of improvement in the final prototype
Illustration of two hands holding a phone using augmented reality on a printed booklet


Prototype for an augmented reality application coupled with a booklet for the CND Paris. Our goal was to educate the public to the artist’s choreographic notation systems.


As part of the redesign of the main website of the children bike company Yvolution, I helped improve part of the purchase journey, particularly the product search and comparison features.

Dassault Systèmes

During my first year of Master in Interface Design, I had the opportunity to work as UX Designer intern in Dassault Systemes, focusing on improving web applications for the company’s platform and intranet.


On top of my full time job, I am currently enrolled in a 3 years course in psychology.


You can find me drawing and doodling in my spare time and during the UX conferences I attend.


I have given lectures in UX and UI Design in the Design Institute of Dublin between 2017/2018.


You can visit my Linkedin profile. I am happy to chat more in details about my projects or my process.